HPE Autoimmune disease: The fundamentals | Page 9

Sex steroid hormones have multiple influences on immune system function . Exogenous hormone use ( including oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy ) is associated with an increased SLE risk among women . 9 Oestrogens and vitamin D may modulate immune responses in tandem , and exogenous oestrogens may have differential effects depending on vitamin D sufficiency , which requires further investigation . 9

Lifestyle behaviours , such as lack of exercise , stress and an unhealthy diet all contribute to an increased risk of developing autoimmune disease . 17 Obesity , smoking and stress are known to produce a state of chronic systemic low-grade inflammation . 17 A screening and prevention strategy that involves the identification of early disease biomarkers , modification of lifestyle and environmental risk factors and initiation of preventive therapies could impact on the incidence and
9 , 17 , 18 , 23
burden of autoimmune diseases in high-risk individuals .
Vaccinations have been proposed as potential triggers for the onset of autoimmune diseases given their role in stimulating an antigen-specific immune response . 9 For genetically predisposed individuals , there are rare reports of autoimmune reactions and diseases that have been
Identification of early disease biomarkers , modification of lifestyle and environmental risk factors and initiation of preventive therapies could impact on the incidence and burden of autoimmune diseases precipitated by vaccines , likely via molecular mimicry . Less well understood is whether vaccination can exacerbate existing autoimmune disease . 1
Conclusions Autoimmune diseases have a major impact on individuals and their families , as well as on society and healthcare costs . While the precise mechanisms for development of autoimmunity are still to be elucidated , it is understood that multiple genetic and environmental risk factors interact in complex ways over a long time to induce disease evolution . A recent ‘ call to action ’ appeals for coordination of resources to improve understanding of autoimmune disease risk factors and pathogeneses and improve diagnostic , therapeutic , and preventive approaches , in order to decrease the future frequency , morbidity , mortality , and costs of these conditions . 24
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