pointed out the “hissing
man’s” fishnet halter-top
beneath his cloak. As if in
the spirit of this strange
night, Adrian and the vampire picked up a fast-paced
conversation, trading
fashion ideas and brand
names, like two chatty girls
instead of a high school
student and a vampire.
My attention was drawn
to the rest of the group,
who were calming down,
readjusting their cloaks
and backing away. The situation resolved itself when
Adrian exchanged numbers
with the man, just as we
walked apart. After turning
the corner, Adrian mumbled
something about “dating a
vampire” before throwing
the number away.
We decided home might
be a good destination, but
clicking our heels was not
going to get us anywhere.
After some thought, we de-
cided to compile discarded
MetroCards, knowing each
card would have a small
amount of money left on it,
and combining them into
one. It was slow moving,
but our plan proved successful, and our patience
was rewarded with one $10
MetroCard. As we waited for
our train I thought back to
the beginning of our night.
It all started with us going
to see a play; with such an
innocent start, I could have
never predicted the events
that followed. Still, I had no
regrets, because I got what I
wanted. A chance to be fully
independent, and to take
care of myself. I felt a little
more confident in myself
after that.