HP Innovation Journal Issue 12: Summer 2019 | Page 58

BUT THERE IS AN ENVIRONMENTAL COST WITH ENERGY USE POWERING UP: INDIA’S RISING DEMAND HAVES ~300M HAVES ~700M ELECTRICITY FOOTPRINT 300 GIGAWATTS ELECTRICITY FOOTPRINT 1,000 GIGAWATTS This new capacity is approximately 70% of the USA energy generation capacity Today there are 200 million people in India’s middle class. India produces 300 gigawatts of power, which is less than a third of that in the U.S. This capacity is widely viewed as insufficient to meet the aspirations of India’s current middle class. By 2035, it is forecast that India’s middle class will more than double, but its electricity consumption will more than triple. This energy footprint can be funded by the same virtuous cycle that the developed nations used, where energy drove growth and surpluses which funded more energy capacity. However, due to the impact of conventional energy consumption on climate change, following the developed nations’ path is unsustainable. And expecting those in the emerging economies to forgo the benefits of energy is ethically and politically unacceptable. As the world pursues cleaner forms of energy, HP can help drive CO 2 Emissions 30 INDIAN AIR CONDITIONER GROWTH EMERGING COUNTRIES Today Today 600 500 20 400 15 300 10 200 5 100 0 0 2018 2040 1990 2018 2040 MORE SPENDING, MORE DEVICES, MORE DATA Increased disposable income worldwide is leading to the proliferation of devices and the compute-based services they enable. To enable connected societies to operate more efficiently, smart systems, appliances, and industrial Inter- net of Things (IoT) endpoints are everywhere. The volume of data generated by these devices is growing exponentially, mostly at the network “edge.” The “edge” is where com- pute devices interact with people or the world; it includes compute resources no more than one network “hop” from those devices. To extract full value from edge devices, analytics must be applied to the data they generate. 2 The sheer scale of sensors and data can be difficult to comprehend. For example: • offerings. The technology community as a whole efficiency and lower consumption. DEVELOPED COUNTRIES 25 1990 improved energy efficiency through new product can participate in finding solutions to driving higher Energy Consumption • Automated vehicles will generate and consume roughly 40 terabytes (TB) of data for every eight hours of driving. 3 A single twin-engine aircraft with an average 12-hour flight time can produce up to 844TB of data. 4 Bombardier’s C Series jetliner carries Pratt & Whitney’s Geared Turbofan (GTF) PurePower engine, which is fitted with 5,000 sensors that generate up to 10GB of data per second. Cause Power Doubling Over 15 Years 300 New Power Plants (2X current supply) Carbon emissions in the developed world have disconnected from GDP growth. In the emerging world, emissions continue to grow with GDP. Source: https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=33772 56 HP Innovation Journal Issue 12 INDIA IN 2035 INDIA IN 2018 This Energy Footprint is Driving Significant Growth in Greenhouse Gases