HP Innovation Journal Issue 09: Spring 2018 | Page 17

S H IVAU N A LB R I G HT C hief Te ch n olo gist, H P VA LI A LI H P Fe llow, C hief Te ch n olo gist fo r S e curit y a n d Priva c y, Pe rso n al Syste ms B usin e ss , H P B O R I S BA L AC H E FF H P Fe llow, C hief Te ch n olo gist fo r S e curit y Re se a rch a n d I n n ovatio n , H P S TE P H A N SC H M IT T H e a d of Pro d u c t M a n ag e m e nt H P O f f ice Printing S olutio ns SIMON SHIU H e a d of S e curit y L a b, H P L a bs GAGA N S I N G H V P a n d G lo b al H e a d of Pre mium N ote b o o k Pro d u c t M a n ag e m e nt, S e curit y, I n n ovatio n a n d S of t wa re , Pe rso n al Syste ms B usin e ss , H P One of the greatest challenges to protecting a business against cybercrime is the shape-shifting nature of security threats. Innovation is not the sole domain of the good guys: cyber criminals are constantly finding ingenious new ways to tunnel into consumer, enterprise, and institutional IT systems. They are increasingly professional, more aggres- sively funded, and better equipped than ever to exploit any weak link in the security chain. With everything connected and interconnected, secu- rity is more important than ever. The rampant rise in 1 cybercrimes—over 1700 significant data breaches in 2016 alone—is pushing cybercrime costs of the global economy 2 to about $445 billion every year. The damage to busi- nesses from theft of intellectual property alone exceeded 3 $160 billion in loss due to hacking. 17