HP Innovation Journal Issue 06: Spring 2017 | Page 12

HP Home Experience delivered by :
CHANDRAKANT : HP is akin to a powerful and elegant ship . On the bridge , the course of the company has been set by Megatrends and the solutions that will make lives better for everyone , everywhere . Down below , the multi-disciplinary engine room is ready , and organized , to amaze and propel us forward .
MEI : How will multi-disciplinary systemic innovation be leveraged across markets , solutions , and experiences ?
HP ’ s Multi-Disciplinary Engine Room and the Exciting Course Ahead
and water — and delivers savings in a resource-constrained world .
I thank the foresight of HP leaders for studying the social , economic , and ecological Megatrends a decade earlier and

HP Home Experience delivered by :

Haptic , brain-computer interface , immersive user experience
Machine learning algorithms that learn by observing the user through sophisticated cameras and sensors . Algorithms , by nature , are continually updated
Built on flexible , configurable computing system architecture with logic that can be updated in the field with new algorithms
Secure from end-to-end translating those trends into technologies and solutions that provide value to customers .
MEI : What specific insights will HP have to enable this future you envision ?
CHANDRAKANT : HP will recognize the home experience as a multi-disciplinary , systemic innovation that requires a set of technical capabilities .
In my home experience example , HP will imagine the technical capabilities as a stack , starting with core engineering to build flexible , configurable HP computing devices with rich sensing . Intelligence and rich user experience such as brain-computer interface , are built-in software using machine learning algorithms . As the algorithms improve , weekly in many cases , over-the-air updates even improve the logic in the computer ! The computer hardware improves , and the entire three-year hardware update cycle becomes a thing of the past !
All of these technical capabilities will be built as part of the HP Engine Room .
MEI : Can you describe the concept of the HP Engine Room ?
CHANDRAKANT : While my future state example was around home experiences , the HP Engine Room allows for all solutions to share the same capabilities and attributes . HP 3D printers , for example , built with several engineering disciplines , will be flexible and configurable . Machine learning will be utilized to engineer materials at voxel scale by flexing various actuators in the printer . Data gathered from thousands of printers will deliver an “ art to part ” user experience for manufacturing based on learning from thousands of finished parts . And security will underpin everything .
For the engine room to be successful , we need to tap into the brilliant minds across HP — physicists , chemists , mechanical engineers , computer scientists . With that in mind , we are creating virtual communities and affinity groups in key engineering fundamentals and technologies . These cross-company teams will enable HP to harness tomorrow ’ s technologies , and address any challenges and opportunities Megatrends offer . •
Chandrakant D . Patel is a distinguished Senior Fellow and Chief Engineer at HP . In 2014 , he was inducted into the Silicon Valley Engineering Hall of Fame .
@ joulespatel
Mei Jiang is Head of Pan HP Innovation Strategy . Her focus is on HP ’ s future growth , capitalizing on disruptive technologies and business model innovation .
@ MeiJiangHPMaker
12 Innovation Journal · Issue 6 · Spring 2017