HP Innovation Journal Issue 05: Winter 2016 | Page 13

Toward new, emerging digital markets HP innovates for the transformation ecosystem Internet Hypermobility of Things Smart machines Jet Fusion 3D printers Device as-a-Service Digital printing Graphics HP and global systems integrators help customers adopt the tools of business transformation portfolio. He and his colleagues are working with HP to deliver a new class of offerings, known as “smart services,” that are focused not on features and functions, but on custom- er value, experience, and business outcome. “It is critical that smart services be grounded in constant innovation and evolution,” says Greg Roberts. Alliance Partners and HP work hand-in-hand to help leaders and teams nav- igate the reinvention of business models and to ensure that they’re equipped with the most current and competitive technology available to support those efforts. Starting small to go big Smart fitting rooms with magic mirrors that can change lighting, or show an item in dif- ferent color options. Adopting new technology like this is sim- ple in theory… and bedeviling in practice, with lots of questions for IT to consider, such as: Will our back-end systems support this new product? Will it interfere with performance of our other critical apps? And will we know that before a service outage? But these are just part of a much larger picture. Delivering a true omnichannel ex- perience to customers will require organiza- tions to transform business processes and sometimes their entire business model, with an impact on supply chain, manufacturing, transportation and materials. The questions here are broader: What new investments will prepare us to compete today and tomorrow? How can we leverage existing infrastructure? What organizational changes and training will be required? Whether in retail, hospitality, banking, or any other industry, in order to significantly improve the end-customer experience, you have to completely change the ecosystem in order for it to work at the customer level. This is where a team of alliance partners plus HP brings a lot of value to the customer. Hotbeds of Global Alliance activity today HP’s developing leadership in the 3D printing arena is a key opportunity for collaboration. The Alliance is working intensely to support customers on their journey to maximize the potential of 3D printing technology. Optimizing that investment will require a complete redesign of processes. Imagine an auto maker or computer hardware vendor with a model that has been phased out. You have to keep spare parts for those products, but—how many, and how long, and where do you store them? The long tail of spare parts would change dramatically with the ability to 3D print parts on demand. This would be a huge benefit—but requires a transformation of the entire supply chain. Our Alliance partners also see a huge market for Wearables in the future, and are particularly interested in HP’s ability to deliver relevant enterprise products in this category. So for example, imagine a wearable—a band with a GPS and DNA sensor, for a new level of security. From a user perspective, office doors open and lights turn on automatically; your computer recognizes you and your workspace pops up automatically, wherever you are. For facilities, it offers visibility throughout the building: how space is being used, who has access to which areas, maximizing indoor climate and lighting efficiencies. In the previous two scenarios—3D-print- ed parts for hardware makers or enterprise wearable solutions—we can imagine new services that are at once game-changing, promising, and disruptive. On the following page you’ll find an article by Greg Roberts of Accenture, an HP Global Alliance Partner. Greg is a Managing Director with responsibility for the Pacific Region Electronic and High Tech At a recent HP briefing, there was consider- able surprise and excitement among systems integrators with regard to the scope and tra- jectory of HP’s innovation pipeline. Our activi- ty in emerging digital markets, combined with our scale and stability, make HP an attractive collaboration partner. Because of the intense work involved for HP’s product engineers to jointly develop a new customer solution, we are only engaging in a few projects at time— but the results are promising. Through our work with alliance partners consulting and developing solutions, we are enabling cus- tomers to optimize business outcomes and realize the maximum potential from their investments. With each new engagement, the HP Global Alliance is laying track for businesses who are inspired (or driven) to take on digital business transformation, with all of its disruption and uncertainty. We’re working toward the ulti- mate win-win: HP as vendor of choice for the tools of transformation—and customers who can evolve and thrive on their transformation journey, with expert guidance along the way.   Jochen Erlach is Vice President & Head of Global SI Strategic Alliances at HP. In this capacity, he is responsible for driving and developing the business with and through the strategic System Integrators and Alliance Partners worldwide. Issue 5 · Winter 2016 · Innovation Journal 13