HP Innovation Issue 19: Fall 2021 | Page 74


KEY ( from quiz , previous page )

Mostly As in Parts 1 – 3 :
You are the Mastermind
You probably aren ’ t surprised by your results . You see the world in blueprints and battle plans . And brains come in handy when there ’ s a score to make ! If everything goes according to plan , it ’ s not a question of winning . The only question is how many turns it will take . Remember , however , that every plan has variables and they may start with your own team .
There ’ s a fine line between “ mastermind ” and “ know-it-all .” Keep your squad happy ( and effective ) by hearing them out .
YOUR BRAIN : Patient , precise , clever .
Mostly As in Parts 1 and 2 , Bs in Part 3 :
You are the Wild Card
Even you don ’ t know what you ’ re gonna do next . That ’ s because Wild Cards have no use for plans . Plans get in the way of instinct . Of muscle memory . Of blowing stuff up . You pull off the most clippable plays because you don ’ t know the meaning of the words “ Hey , don ’ t do that .” Some may call you an agent of chaos , but there is nobody better in a dangerous situation than the person who caused it in the first place .
Tamed doesn ’ t have to mean caged . Learn how to make your animal instincts work for you instead of the other way around .
YOUR BRAIN : Unique , agile , lucky .
Mostly Bs in Parts 1 – 3 :
You are the Muse
Like any good work of art , you defy definition . If the virtual world is a stage , your teammates are merely players . But you are something different . You are tuned in to a higher wavelength , something mortals cannot see . Your squad may be able to white-knuckle a win without you , but you are the secret sauce , the finesse that brings the team together in harmony .
Most Muses can ’ t handle being “ on ” all the time , and who can blame them ? Take time to inspire yourself , even if it ’ s uncomfortable at first .
YOUR BRAIN : Inspiring , creative , charismatic .
Mostly Bs in Parts 1 and 2 , As in Part 3 :
You are the Captain
Nothing is impossible when you ’ re at the helm . Every team has its types . The brains , the brawn . The thinkers , the doers . You , Captain , were born to lead them . You inspire confidence . You can instruct a team to accomplish the impossible … or you can lead them to their doom . The question is : What kind of leader will you be ? How will you be known ? And will you keep them supplied with the good snacks ?
Every captain is different , and so is every crew member — listen to your team . ( Even when Push To Talk is off and they ’ re chewing .)
YOUR BRAIN : Fearless , loyal , ready .