How to Upgrade Joomla via Extension: Step-by-Step Guide | Page 3
As a Joomla user, you already know that Joomla is an
amazing platform. The number of its advantages is hard
to count. That is why it is still one of the leading CMSs in
the market. Those who have used Joomla for years will
probably never change it for something else, as its
convenience is priceless. The only bad thing about being
stuck to Joomla is that versions get older and, eventually,
no longer supported, which may be painful for security of
your website.
Fortunately, such a state of affairs can be fixed. All you
need is Joomla upgrade and CMS2CMS: Automated
Joomla Upgrade is here to help you! It transfers contents
items of different kinds (posts, pages, content images,
categories, user information, internal links, menu, and
menu items) and supports such Joomla versions as
1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.7.x, 2.5.x, and 3.x.
As to extra pros, you get not only improved security, but
also better search engine optimization and enhanced
functional diversity. One more reason to upgrade your
Joomla version is compatibility with current technology. It
is no secret that PHP and MySQL updates are the driving
force of concurrent changes in CMS technology.