How to Start & Run a B&B BandBED2eBook-1 | Page 99

DO keep checking your search engine ranking by doing searches and seeing where you come - and let your web people know if you are not happy with the results! DO get unbiased, critical people whose judgement you trust to look at your site and tell you honestly what they think. And be brave - and grateful! DO think about the most likely search words your chosen audience would use, and ensure your site's "meta-tags" are based on these (your web designer will know the technicalities). If your clients are searching for "cheap rooms", don't use "inexpensive accommodation". DO promote your site with a well-planned emarketing campaign. Just having a great store is no good if nobody enters! DON'T sign up with a company offering to automatically submit your site to hundreds of search engines. Most of these are so-called "link farms" and using them may actually harm your search engine ranking with the major search engines. DON'T be tempted to indulge in a slick, "flash" animation page before your homepage: most people skip them, they slow down websurfers with a dialup connection, and they can hide your site from search engines, so reducing your ranking. DON'T use small, unreadable type, put type over images or "reverse" type in white out of a dark background: all these actively discourage readership. DON'T waffle, overuse cliches or "pad out" your copy: use concise, readable and relevant copy, to convey your message with clarity. DON'T let web designers or agencies confuse you or blind you with science: make sure their work is simply enabling and reinforcing your powerful sales message. Science should follow salesmansip, not the other way round! DON'T SHOUT when I'm right next to you: don't fill your site with neon colours, flashing banners, animation and exclamation marks. Once your reader is there, the attention-seeking can stop: they want content. DON'T talk about yourself and your business, talk about your client and the benefits you can offer them. DON'T try to give your site mass appeal if you are after a tiny band of enthusiasts or cognoscenti - there is no value in alienating your buyers by attracting non-buyers. Focus on your purpose! DON'T boast, make overblown claims or exaggerate: your readers are intelligent, remember - just like you.