How to Start & Run a B&B BandBED2eBook-1 | Page 92

all the UK’s tourism authorities (VisitBritain, VisitScotland and the Wales Tourist Board). The previous “diamond” rating scheme for B&Bs and guest houses was replaced in 2006 by a new classification scheme based on stars. B&Bs are rated from one star to five stars according to detailed criteria agreed by the two inspecting bodies and the tourism authorities. The new star rating scheme is described in detail in the 36 page booklet “Common Standards for Guest Accommodation” published jointly by the Wales Tourist Board, VisitBritain, VisitScotland, RAC Motoring Services and the AA in 2005 (the RAC has since stopped inspecting hotels and B&Bs so is no longer involved). The “Common Standards” defines a B&B as “accommodation provided in a private house, run by the owner and with no more than six paying guests”. If your establishment can accommodate more than six paying guests, it would be defined as a “Guest House”, whose full definition is “Accommodation provided for more than six paying guests and run on a more commercial basis than a B&B. Usually more services, for example dinner, provided by staff as well as the owner. For further information, go to Minimum Requirements The key minimum requirements under the star rating scheme at ‘one star’ level are: • • • • • • A cooked breakfast, or substantial continental available Proprietor and/or staff available for guests’ arrival, departure and at all meal times Once registered, resident guests have access to the establishment at all times unless previously notified All areas of operation meet the minimum quality requirements for cleanliness, maintenance and hospitality as well as facilities and the delivery of services A dining room or similar eating area available unless meals are only served in bedrooms You must meet all the current statutory obligations and provide Public Liability insurance cover. Key Requirements at Each Rating Level As well as enhanced quality standards at each higher star rating, there are certain key requirements you will need to achieve: Three Star and above: • Access to both sides of all beds for double occupancy • Bathrooms/shower rooms cannot be shared with the proprietor • (from 1 January 2008) washbasin in every guest bedroom (either in the bedrooms or en-suite/private facility) How to Start & Run a B&B