How to Start & Run a B&B BandBED2eBook-1 | Page 37

settlement. The provision of TVs and radios in hotel bedrooms is a clear benefit to hotels and their guests, and it's good news that our members will now receive royalties for the use of their work.' Bob Cotton, Chief Executive of the British Hospitality Association, said: "It is good news that the hospitality industry will now have certainty about licences from PRS for Music for music in hotel bedrooms. This has been a very long standing dispute, but I am pleased it has been settled at last." For B&Bs and Guest Houses, as for hotels, the bad news is that this agreement brings to an end the dispute (and the previous stance adopted by many B&Bs of deferring payment whilst the legal dispute carried on), and acknowledges that the new legal reality (after an EU change in definition) means that "PRS for Music" are legally entitled to require B&Bs and Guest Houses with TVs or radios in guest rooms to pay a licence. Licences for music in guest bedrooms start from £44 plus VAT per year, for up to 15 bedrooms (more details are on the PRS website at The good news is that the settlement means that those who pay from 2009 onwards will NOT now be liable to pay six years back claims to 2003, as PRS had been pushing for. The authors share the concerns of the Bed & Breakfast Association that B&B and Guest House owners have reported "aggressive" and "threatening" attitudes in the PRS call centre staff who are calling them to demand payment. We are also concerned that PRS are trying to double charge: the 'minimum' charge of some £44 covers up to 15 rooms and "corridors and foyers" - but if the B&B also has a radio or TV in its lounge or breakfast room, PRS seem to be demanding a much higher licence fee on the basis of music being played in a "public" room - and yet for B&Bs and Guest Houses (unlike say, large hotels), there is no public access and the guests whose music use is covered by the licence 'upstairs' as it were, are the same guests listening to the same music 'downstairs'. We also believe there should be a reduced "entry level" licence for small B&Bs, who currently have to pay the same as a 15 bedroom hotel. The Bed & Breakfast Association will, on behalf of its members, be monitoring the legal situation in case of future opportunities for challenge, as we are disappointed that the hospitality industry has not been able to win the legal argument about the use of TVs and radios in guest bedrooms. The PRS for Music complaints procedure If you have a complaint about your treatment by PRS for Music, write to: Customer Services, PRS for Music, Elwes House, 19 Church Walk, Peterborough, Cambs PE1 2UZ. If you are not satisfied with this response, you should write to the Managing Director (at the same address) stating your reasons. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of our complaints procedure, or if you feel your complaint has not been handled correctly, you may refer your complaint to the