Your budget determines not only whether your ad is shown but in what ranking it is shown compared with other ads . If it is not on the first page , it is vastly less likely to be seen and clicked on , and if it after the second page it becomes vanishingly unlikely to be clicked on .
This is all about relevance – so the more specific you can be , the more relevant you can be . And if you are in a very small location or are the only B & B there , you have a big advantage in that no competitors will also be paying for that location as a keyword .
There are hundreds of B & Bs in Blackpool , so if you are in Blackpool you are very unlikely to get listed very near the top of a search for “ Blackpool B & B ”. However , if you are the only B & B in Nethercombe Lacy village , you are 100 % certain to come top of anyone ’ s search for “ Nethercombe Lacy B & B ”.
Again , AdWords could ( and has ) merited a book in itself , so we have confined ourselves to the basic principles , so that you can plan your online promotion via Google , and to this word of advice : don ’ t ignore Google , embrace it !
To get started , go to www . google . co . uk / ads . You ’ ll find it very easy .
Your clients are your best salesmen !
You are missing a seam of gold if you don ’ t have a Guest Book . Praise from guests is the most persuasive kind of salesmanship , and better than anything you can say yourself . What marketers call “ testimonials ” are nuggets of marketing gold , and they are free for the asking – if your B & B is praiseworthy of course , and as you are reading this book , we know it will be !
Buy an attractive , hardback Guest Book or Visitors Book , with ruled pages with narrow left had columns for date and name / address , then a wide column for comments . As guests are leaving , invite them to write in your Guest Book if they would like to .
We have been constantly surprised and delighted at the lovely comments we get from guests in our Guest Book . Many guests also find it reassuring and interesting to read through the comments from previous guests . Our book includes comments from guests from Japan , America , Sweden , Holland , France , Canada , Hong Kong , Australia , Austria , Germany , Italy , Pakistan and Réunion Island – and of course from England , Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland .
What else can you do with your Guest Book , other than let guests read it ? Go through it regularly for quotes , and put them in your brochure , and of course on your website . Be careful to quote accurately , and either ( a ) ask each person whose quote you use whether you can reproduce it – if you have their permission , you can attribute their quote by name ; or ( b ) reproduce the quotes on an unattributable basis . As ( a ) is logistically difficult , we recommend ( b ): simply attribute the quote to “ Mrs B of Cheltenham ”, or “ Mr S of Buenos Aires , Argentina ”, or even just “ a guest from Cape Town , South Africa , June 2005 ”.
How to Start & Run a B & B www . howtorunabandb . com