How To Sell Your Home For More - Stewart & Jethro Reed | Page 98

How To Sell Your Home For More

How To Sell Your Home For More

Before Craig and Melissa started searching for homes for sale in their area , they asked their bank how much they could borrow .
The bank needed their personal financial statements and salary history along with a credit check and completed loan application .
After processing the application , the mortgage officer approved a loan of $ 360,000 subject to a valuation of the purchased home . Craig and Melissa had saved $ 60,000 giving them a total of $ 420,000 to spend . They knew there would be costs of about $ 10,000 when they purchased so they both agreed they could afford up to $ 410,000 .
They began online searches for homes in their price range and in their desired area . They also researched recent sales in the area and discovered homes were selling quite close to the asking price .
Because Craig and Melissa both worked six days a week , time was precious and they could really only afford to look at homes for sale in


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