How To Sell Your Home For More - Stewart & Jethro Reed | Page 96

How To Sell Your Home For More

How To Sell Your Home For More

When your agent tells a buyer you ’ re just testing the market and don ’ t really need to sell , the buyer may feel they could be paying over the odds as the seller is trying to make a profit . They may think they are paying too much .
However , a good buyer will be happy to compete if the home is what they are looking for . Suddenly price is less important . It becomes more about which lucky buyer will get to sign the contract . The seller has turned their reason for selling into a valuable marketing tool .
In most cases , I would encourage sellers to allow their agents to tell questioning buyers why they are selling . Any real estate professional will tell you that using your story as part of the marketing process can only help you achieve a better result . A genuine and believable story sits well with every buyer .


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