How To Sell Your Home For More - Stewart & Jethro Reed | Page 86

How To Sell Your Home For More

How To Sell Your Home For More

Advertising and marketing are quite different . Advertising simply lists the facts and a price . On the other hand , marketing creates the emotional desire and a reason to look further . In other words , let ’ s not tell your buyers what your property is , let ’ s show them what it does . Features are one thing . However , the benefits associated with those features are another . Benefits will have greater appeal to your market every time . Consider these examples :
Large family room becomes “ Big family space perfect for pizza parties and movies nights .”
Close to park becomes “ Your children will love the sprawling parks and gardens only a 4 minute stroll from your front door .”
Modern kitchen with ample seating area becomes “ Create dinner party magic in this fabulous entertainer ’ s kitchen .”


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