How To Sell Your Home For More - Stewart & Jethro Reed | Page 85

Ray Wood
Advertising Vs Marketing

Ray Wood

Advertising Vs Marketing

Don ’ t tell us what it is , tell us what it does .
Here ’ s a valuable lesson I learned that has helped my clients add thousands to their selling price . It ’ s a simple technique that will attract more buyers every time . For the most part , property descriptions are dull , dry and boring . Each ad goes through the same descriptive ritual to look and sound just like every other ad .
So you ’ ve gone to some effort and expense to get your home looking great to impress your buyers when they arrive . Why not also put care into how you describe the home to prospective buyers ? Lively , visual and interesting ad copy will help you bring more buyers to your door .
For a typical family , the decision to buy a home is part need but mostly emotion and when that all important emotional trigger kicks in , I believe a buyer gets a mental image of actually living in the home . This is where marketing starts and advertising stops .


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