How To Sell Your Home For More - Stewart & Jethro Reed | Page 84

How To Sell Your Home For More

How To Sell Your Home For More


Find out the average days-on-market time in your area
This is important as you need to know your Golden Window .
Let ’ s say , for example , the average Days-On Market in your area is 65 . This is the time from when the property goes onto the market to when a contract is completed . This means your Golden Window would begin from the Go Date ( Day 1 ) and conclude on day 45 . That ’ s a month and half . It ’ s more than enough time to catch the attention of a motivated buyer . After that , it ’ s yesterday ’ s news and buyers will start asking : “ Why has this home been on the market for so long ?”, “ What ’ s wrong with it ?” And “ Why hasn ’ t it sold ?”


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