How To Sell Your Home For More - Stewart & Jethro Reed | Page 82

How To Sell Your Home For More
Gone in twenty-four hours !

How To Sell Your Home For More

Gone in twenty-four hours !

There is nothing wrong with a fast sale . In fact , some of the most impressive sales happen soon after a property has come onto the market . It helps to keep in mind that well presented , market priced property quickly attracts buyers . These properties have instant appeal in a market . Buyers will often pay a premium just to secure a property they want .
However , a quick offer may cause the seller some concern and might present itself as a red flag . The seller might think an early offer is a result of pricing the property too cheaply in the first place . They may also think it ’ s just the first offer and there is more to come . This is where the comparable sales that were considered when the property first went onto the market play an important role . Any seller in this situation should discuss the offer with their agent and agree on the most suitable strategy . The myth that a property needs a long time on the market to “ test ” its appeal is totally false and may have serious financial consequences for the seller .


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