How To Sell Your Home For More - Stewart & Jethro Reed | Page 32

How To Sell Your Home For More

How To Sell Your Home For More

Harry S Dent ’ s latest book , The Great Depression Ahead had just made the New York Times Bestseller list . Obviously , the title of his book did little to inspire confidence .
There were news stories about how the sale of safes for domestic use had increased 30 % so investors could keep their cash at home . They didn ’ t trust the banks . Retirees were losing their savings by the thousands every day and there was nothing they could do . Sales of cheap packaged food like SPAM were going through the roof .
Every time there was a glimmer of hope , something would happen to wipe away any gains from the previous trading week .
I couldn ’ t imagine worse economic conditions to sell a property and a better climate to test my system . I looked in depth at my local market . There were literally dozens of homes in my price range on the market for sale . Some had been there for many months . Conditions were more than perfect for my test , so I started preparing my property for sale .


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