How To Sell Your Home For More - Stewart & Jethro Reed | Page 118

How To Sell Your Home For More

How To Sell Your Home For More

happened . My market was in fact global and I had just proven it . The world had changed forever .
Today , I don ’ t know of a real estate professional who doesn ’ t receive at least 50 % of all buyer inquiries online and in many cases it ’ s more than 80 %.
After that first internet marketing experience I became a solid advocate for online marketing and how it could help my clients . It was also a major breakthrough for buyers who struggled for easy ways to learn about new properties for sale . I love technology and using it to help people . I really like the way it can improve our lives . Applying technology to business has enormous potential and just as the telephone changed the way the real estate industry operated , the internet is repeating the process .
However , I believe it ’ s equally important to understand the internet is an immediate or “ now ” technology . The internet makes information


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