How To Sell Your Home For More - Stewart & Jethro Reed | Page 109

Ray Wood
2 . Look at content . What needs to be included in your photo set ? Typically , your main photo will be of your property from the outside . What supporting photos are needed ? Most major real estate web sites have room for multiple images . Some additional quality photos of the best rooms or maybe some interesting external shots to attract buyers .
3 . What about a lifestyle image ? Is your property near a park or boutique shopping area ? Using lifestyle images to support the advantages of your location is a great idea . Keep in mind that buyers are looking at what a property can offer in terms of location as well as the home ’ s basic layout , look and feel .
4 . What did you see ? Was there a particular image that caught your eye when you first noticed your property for sale ? This concept of an image may well appeal to your buyer . Don ’ t be afraid to capitalise on your buying experience and repeat the same message . Speak with your agent about including features you feel will appeal to buyers .

Ray Wood

2 . Look at content . What needs to be included in your photo set ? Typically , your main photo will be of your property from the outside . What supporting photos are needed ? Most major real estate web sites have room for multiple images . Some additional quality photos of the best rooms or maybe some interesting external shots to attract buyers .

3 . What about a lifestyle image ? Is your property near a park or boutique shopping area ? Using lifestyle images to support the advantages of your location is a great idea . Keep in mind that buyers are looking at what a property can offer in terms of location as well as the home ’ s basic layout , look and feel .

4 . What did you see ? Was there a particular image that caught your eye when you first noticed your property for sale ? This concept of an image may well appeal to your buyer . Don ’ t be afraid to capitalise on your buying experience and repeat the same message . Speak with your agent about including features you feel will appeal to buyers .


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