How To Sell Your Home For More - Stewart & Jethro Reed | Page 106

How To Sell Your Home For More

How To Sell Your Home For More

interest than text . The better the image , the more interest it will create . It costs way more to advertise on television than newspapers or radio because television advertising ( using moving images ) outsells everything else .
So here ’ s the thing that fascinates me ; If a high quality image is so important for selling real estate , how come so many real estate professionals continue to use faded , dark and gloomy shots ? I recently noticed a photo of a home for sale in my local newspaper . There were smudges on the photo and I realised they were rain drops ! Whoever took the photo didn ’ t even bother rolling down the car window on a rainy day to get the shot .
Starting out with a great photo is the one thing you can do to guarantee the best possible marketing of your home . Maybe your real estate professional works with a dedicated property photographer who can make your home look amazing . It ’ s totally worth the effort and expense . In fact , it is the most important weapon in your marketing campaign .


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