How To Sell Your Home For More - Stewart & Jethro Reed | Page 26

How To Sell Your Home For More
4 Hot Seller Tips to keep in mind . 1 . Unlike everyday commodities , there is no recommended retail price on real estate . Ultimately , the price of any property will be almost completely influenced by local supply and demand and the skill of your agent . There are however , many ways to influence the outcome to ensure the best possible result .
2 . Most buyer interest occurs during the first few weeks after a property comes onto the market . This is because it ’ s fresh news and represents what we call the peak interest period or golden window .
3 . Therefore , there is really only one opportunity to “ hit ” the market correctly . To maximise your chance for success , you need everything going for you . Specifically this means creating the highest quality and quantity buyer interest from day one and being fully prepared to document your sale if required . ( Keep in mind , your best offer may come quite early in your selling campaign ).

How To Sell Your Home For More

4 Hot Seller Tips to keep in mind . 1 . Unlike everyday commodities , there is no recommended retail price on real estate . Ultimately , the price of any property will be almost completely influenced by local supply and demand and the skill of your agent . There are however , many ways to influence the outcome to ensure the best possible result .

2 . Most buyer interest occurs during the first few weeks after a property comes onto the market . This is because it ’ s fresh news and represents what we call the peak interest period or golden window .

3 . Therefore , there is really only one opportunity to “ hit ” the market correctly . To maximise your chance for success , you need everything going for you . Specifically this means creating the highest quality and quantity buyer interest from day one and being fully prepared to document your sale if required . ( Keep in mind , your best offer may come quite early in your selling campaign ).


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