How To Sell Your Home For More - Stewart & Jethro Reed | Page 103

Ray Wood

Ray Wood

They began to realise the advice from their agent was accurate and agreed to another asking price reduction to $ 425,000 which was the top of the likely selling range estimate they had received by three agents two months earlier .
After three further weeks a buyer came through the open house and made an offer of $ 405,000 . Emily and Bill were disappointed with the way things were turning out . The price reduction had failed to stimulate buyer interest . Plus , the one buyer they did have was making offers well below what they felt their home was worth . They counter offered at $ 420,000 . After some negotiation , their agent signed both parties to a contract at $ 412,000 .
Emily and Bill were annoyed the whole process had taken so long but pleased to have a result just the same . After more than three months on the market , they were exhausted and ready to move on . If ever in a similar situation , they would not wait so long to reduce their asking price .


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