How to Save Money on Flights When Travelling Between Doha and Los Ang Volume 1

How to Save Money on Flights When Travelling Between Doha and Los Angeles

Recently , the creation of one of the world ’ s longest flights has been announced in the month of January 2016 which flies between Los Angles and Doha . The flight duration of this non-stop flight is around 16 hours and 25 minutes . However , the non- stop flights are the costliest . Instead of long-haul flights , you can get cheap airline tickets deal from Doha to Los Angeles by booking the connecting flights .
# 1 Connecting and Direct Flights
Direct and Connecting flights take longer time depending on the layover destination as you choose while booking your ticket or as specified by the airline . However , you can get the best airlines tickets deal from Doha to Los Angeles by booking connecting or direct flights . Fastest onestop flights from Los Angeles to Doha take around 19 hours .