How to Make the Most out of Exercise on Treadmill July, 2014 | Page 2
Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Treadmill Workout
Most people use the treadmill with the aim to get the most out of their cardio workouts.
There are however, a few common mistakes that can sabotage the results of your workout and in
some cases may even cause injury. It is important to remember that correct posture and form are
crucial to get the most effective results. What’s more is that the below mentioned points will not
only help you to maximize your output but will also help to burn the maximum calories.
Do Not Look Down
The biggest mistake runners make while using the treadmill is that they look down
towards their feet. As result, individuals either get dizzy or lose their balance which affects their
overall performance. In addition, the posture causes the neck to droop and the body to tilt, thus
causing an unwanted tension in the spine. Such a posture will also increase the pressure on
knees. The best posture for running on a treadmill is to look straight ahead. This keeps the
shoulders at level without causing the chest or back to hunch. A straight posture will equally
balance the tension on the spine, thus helping one to perform better.
Do Not Hold The Bars
Increasing the incline is an excellent way to boost more calorie burn. The same yields
astounding results, unless an individual makes this one mistake – holding on to the bars. When
you hold a bar, you are in fact distributing your own body weight and slowing the fat burning
process. The best way to run on an inclined plane is to walk naturally without any support. This
will cause your centre of gravity to lie directly below you. Experts advise that the posture of a
runner should be almost vertical with only a slight decline ranging to five degrees. When you
grab the side bars, you are actually pushing yourself forward, causing your body to bend and thus
increasing the pressure on the back.
Following The Same Routine
Repeating the same workout every day has a lesser impact as compared to new and
different exercises. Once your body adapts to a particular workout regime, it reaches its plateau
earlier. The workout intensity, overall duration and frequency all contribute to how much impact
each will have on the body. To gain the maximum results, health experts suggest that only one of
these be increased at a time in a week. In addition, the increase should be no more than ten
percent at a given time. This will ensure that the body builds strength and stamina.
Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Treadmill Workout
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