How To Make Super Affiliate Commissions How_To_Make_Super_Affiliate_Commissions | Page 20

Using Tools to Generate Larger Lists There are quite a few tools out there that have proven themselves effective for researching keyword lists. I could list them all, but I want to get on to the juicy stuff pretty quick, so I’ll use one of my favourite tools – Traffic Travis. You can find it at and it is free to download (though there is a premium version with more features). Once you install it and get it running, you’ll have a basic interface that looks like this: The tool itself is pretty much everything you’ll need to research recent search ranking data for keywords, get keyword ideas, generate long lists that can be exported to AdWords, and even research and review the ranking data for competitor websites. In short, it’s a highly valuable research tool that you’ll be coming back to again and again. Using Traffic Travis Just to show you how valuable this tool is and how much data you can get out of it, let’s use a simple term like “acne removal” and see what kind of data we can dig up for it. Start by entering the chosen keyword into the interface and searching. 20 Find out How to Stop Hemorrhaging Money and Start Making Bank with AffiloJetpack: