How To Make Money Online How_To_Make_Money_Online | Page 37
be t o advert ise. Advert ising is not easy, specially in such a compet it ive arena t hat is
affiliat e market ing. On t he ot her hand, if you have t he pat ience and discipline t o learn
how t he super affiliat es make it , t hen it can be really wort hy t he t ime spent on t his
vent ure.
Some t op affiliat es make t ens of t housands per mont h from t his business alone. There
are just so many companies out t here t hat want you t o promot e t heir product s. This is
one of t he reasons why some new affiliat es get lost . How can you know which
companies are t rust wort hy and which ones are not ?
Simple. St ay wit h t he companies t hat pay you high commissions like 50% t o 75% per
sale and which conversion rat ios are fairly high. For example, if a company pays you 65%
commission t o sell t heir product and for every 100 people t hat see t he product 2 - 3
purchase it , t hen you may consider promot ing t he product .
Also expect t o receive at least $20 per sale. I wouldn’t advert ise a product if I can not
get at least $20 for every sale. Do t he mat h. Let ’s say t hat you get paid $25 per sale.
Your advert ising cost s are $5 per 100 people. If on average 2 out of 100 purchase t he
product , t hen you will get a huge ret urn on invest ment .
Of course t hese are hypot het ical figures. The real world is a lit t le bit different . To find
t hese product s may not be t hat easy. But t hat ’s t he basic idea of how st art ing an
affiliat e business works.
3.Sell advert ising space.
This is anot her good idea. The main t hing you will need is a websit e wit h a lot of real
good qualit y t raffic. You can get t ruck loads of cheap t raffic from aut osurf programs and
ot her sources. You can t rick some advert isers but most of t hem won’t st ay wit h you
aft er t heir t est spend.
That ’s why it is bet t er t o do it right from t he beginning. This business can be profit able
but you definit ely need reasonable quant it ies of qualit y t raffic everyday. You can do t his
by giving away good qualit y cont ent bot h on your websit e as well as ot her places.