How To Make Money Online How_To_Make_Money_Online | Page 34
because linear income employees, can quit , find a higher paying job or st art t heir own
compet ing business.
Income Type #2 or Linear Income, is income generat ed by working at a job. When you
work, you get paid. When you do not work, you do not get paid. This is how most people
live t heir lives and why t hose who only work for Linear Income, can never st op working.
Income Type #3 or Passive Residual Income is t he income t hat allows ordinary people t o
achieve ext raordinary success in a Home Based Business, because every dist ribut or has
t he same exact opport unit y t o gain. This means t hat anyone, regardless of where t hey
live, how old t hey are, or what t heir experience is, can earn as much or as lit t le as t hey
like, based on t heir own commit ment and effort .
Think about it .
Corporat e icons are t oppling daily, massive job t erminat ions and pension default s are
commonplace and globalism is in full swing. There has t ruly never been a bet t er t ime t o
be self-employed or a worse t ime t o be fait hfully employed.
Airlines are experiencing t urbulence financially. GM & Ford are moving t oward bankrupt cy
and jobs are t arget ed for right sizing, downsizing, and out sourcing.
If you t ake a new job t oday, in four years t he st at ist ics say t hat you'll be jobless again.
So much for job securit y in t he 21st Cent ury!
Indeed t here has been a sea of change, and t he Silent Revolut ion, whereby a new Home
Based Business is st art ed every 11 seconds, in t he U.S. alone, is in full swing.
Success for a work at home business will be realized when you have t he work at home
business up and running while analyzing for t hings t hat act ually don't work and should be
removed. This move will refine t he workload according t o t hings t hat mat t er. You can
also opt t o divert answering cust omer emails t hat you may receive t o out sourcing firms
who will handle it for you. Event ually, you can move on t o anot her project or t ravel t he
world for t hat mat t er because of t he success of your work at home business.