How To Make Money Online How_To_Make_Money_Online | Page 24
already done what you're t hinking of, at least in part . Maybe you can walk t he t rail t hey
blazed, rat her t han hacking your own?
3. Do Somet hing You Dislike.
You can't put your heart in a job you dislike. You'll find you can't summon t he energy. The
ol' inspirat ion doesn't flow. Why? McJobs t urn your brain t o hamburger. Your subconscious
(your heart ) will not supply t he energy t o do somet hing it 's against , even if t he head
says 'go!'.
Solut ion: Take t he t ime t o find somet hing you t ruly enjoy: your vocat ion.
4. Do Somet hing Which Doesn't Pay Well.
Just get t ing by means you'll go broke someday: one bit of bad luck, t hen bam!
Plent y of jobs out t here which pay _just _ enough t o survive on. That 's how capit alist s get
rich; _t hey_ make t he profit s, _you_ do t he legwork. And t hat 's as it should be. You want
t he big bucks? Be a super salesman, or an ent repreneur; t hey t ake all t he risks, so it 's
only right t hey get t he gravy.
Like all employees I disliked and feared my boss; he had real power over me. Then when I
became my own boss, I underst ood him perfect ly. He didn't care about my lit t le
problems. He didn't owe me anyt hing beyond my wages and a civil word. He was largely
oblivious t o my mut inous grumbling. All he want ed was for me t o come in on t ime, do t he
work, and clear off at t he end of t he day. He set t he business up, so he deserved t he
lion's share. He had t o worry about keeping t he whole place going.
If you were a boss, and it was your money, just how generous would you be t o your
employees? Oh yeah, suuuure! And I bet you're a big t ipper t oo!
Solut ion: If you want t o work for someone else, and be happy, find a job t hat pays well.