How to Legally Steal Other Peoples YouTube Traffic How to Legally Steal Other Peoples YouTube Traffic | Page 8

What happens next ?
So now , each and every time somebody visits that video ( which still isn ’ t yours ) and then clicks the link in the description ( under the video ), they are forwarded through your domain to a product you are promoting ( through your affiliate link ).
If someone decides to purchase that product … you get a commission . Crazy right ?... what could be easier ?
Now you can see from the case study that the domain would cost me $ 0.99 , but in reality it will probably end up costing more like $ 3 lol . But even if it does then that is $ 3 for a whole year of traffic .
How much traffic ? That would depend on each video … and the case study I ’ m showing here is not the best one ( I ’ m not showing the best ones for obvious reasons lol ).
But even with this example I could potentially refer say 1 sale per week .
How much can I make ? Let ’ s assume that the commission I get for referring that sale is $ 27 ( average )… then I could potentially make $ 108 per month …
That ’ s $ 1296 per year . No this isn ’ t ground breaking , but , remember … that is $ 1293 profit on a $ 3 investment . There ’ s nothing else to do , no work … nothing
$ 12,930 for a $ 30 investment Now let ’ s say you had $ 30 to invest in domains … now you just multiplied the whole thing x10 … so a potential $ 12,930 for a $ 30 investment … That sounds better doesn ’ t it ?
Do the math yourself ….