HOW TO HELP SOMEONE WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA LEAD A MEANINGFUL LIFE Help A person With Schizophrenia for better life | Page 10

isolated and depressed , neither am I afraid to share my story with anyone and that is why I want to use this avenue to motivate all that might be going through the same condition . I have few but impacting words to tell you . Do not relent in your efforts ; do not give into fear of what people will say because whatever they say will not solve the situation . Isolation and depression cannot be the way out for you because these are factors that hinder your affection to care for the person at stake ; it gives you negative thought that you are helpless and hopeless . Instead , take courage ; find love to cater for your mentally ill one , share your story with others because by so doing , you do not know who might be inspired to take proactive measures to caring for that individual with such challenge . The bottom line of this piece is to motivate you all to make life worthwhile for yourself . Family and that relative going through a mental disorder , most especially at their time of need , and with this . I indulge all Moms to be healthy and to share their feelings with others because a problem shared is a problem solved .
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