How to Get Rid of Mould - Mistakes to Avoid How to get rid of mould - Mistakes to Avoid | Page 4
With regular house cleaning, you cannot help to have everything in great order. That way, you
never have to wonder where your important papers are or if your favorite shirt that is lying in a
chair which is clean or dirty. When you tidy then you can make a point to put everything in its
place. As a result, you will be sure and able to get dressed at record speed that allows you to
get out the door much faster. Once in a while your home will need a deeper cleaning. So
according to that set aside a weekend or help with your family, and get it done. Then, continue
your small daily cleaning habits to keep enjoying your clean, neat and organized house for the
rest of the year.
4.0 Regular Cleaning is good for Your Heart and Soul
If the average person spends up to 90 percent of their time indoors, we are breathing in dust
mites, pet dander, pollen, mold, bug skeletons, and toxins from such innocuous sources as
conventional cleaning products and even chemicals emitted from our own clothing and
bedding. These toxins manifest themselves as symptoms most people attribute to allergies such
as itchy eyes, runny nose, and wheezing, but which should actually be blamed on an unclean
house. A clean house isn't just "nice to have," it's actually a necessity for good mental and
physical health. According to a study published in Time, the Indiana University department of
Physical Activity, led by associate professor Nicole Keith, discovered a correlation between
clean houses and healthy people. Researchers tracked the physical health of 998 African
Americans between the ages of 49 and 65 a demographic with a high-risk for heart disease - by
comparing their levels of physical activity with the cleanliness of their homes. Those people