How to design your own motivational posters Feb 2014 | Page 2

Make sure, that the message mentioned in the poster should connect with the theme of the poster and you should even add up a title to create a foundation for your poster’s theme. And always try to insert your message right below the picture of your poster. Step No -3 complete it up with Final Touch-ups Now, it’s time to give your motivational poster a face that it needs. In this step you have to deal with the size, color, frame, font and borders of your poster. This step will decide how unique and noteworthy your poster is going to be. To make your poster appealing, try to use a splash of black color in the background, and go for simple fonts, at normal size of the message. But, when you are working on the title of the poster, you can go for the stylish fonts, but try to keep it as simple as it can be. In the color part inside the poster, go for lighter colors that will complement the dark black present at the borders. And always remember to create a border for the image and the message mentioned in the poster. So, here are the 3 simple steps that will allow you to create great motivational posters , in just a fraction of minutes.