How to Create a Strong Brand for Your Business How to Create a Strong Brand | Page 4
hints & tips
Creating a new brand for
your business can help to
communicate a new
message or an existing
message more effectively
Why are you creating a new
brand for your business?
The first step in creating a brand for an existing
business is to ensure that you have a very clear understanding of why you want to create a new brand your
business. The following are some of the most common
reasons businesses invest in building a new brand.
Change of direction. If you are targeting new market
or introducing new products or services, changing you
brand can signal that change to the market. You may
also create product-specific brands.
Change of ownership. Changing the ownership
of a business is one of the most critical events that a
business can go though. Done properly, re-branding
can help this process by communicating the change
of ownership to the market.
Poor performance. If your business is not
performing as well as it should and you have taken
steps to improve its performance, then re-branding can
be a useful way to communicate these improvements
to your marketplace.
Tired brand. If your brand no longer represents your
business effectively in its current marketplace, a brand
rejuvenation project can help realign it and make your
business more relevant to your customers.
What type of branding
project are you
Having gained an understanding of why you want
to invest in creating a new brand for your business.
There are three basic categories:
New Brand Creation is usually reserved for new
businesses that do not have a trading history. It
can, however, be a useful approach for an existing
business when introducing new products or
services that are to be branded separately.
Brand Rejuvenation is the process of changing
the visual elements of your brand, while leaving the
brand/business foundations relatively untouched.
Rebranding is the process of creating a new brand
identity for a business that already has a brand.
This is a serious step for any business to take and,
to be successful, the reason for rebranding must
be based on clear business needs and on a sound
business strategy. Looking at rebranding as a
‘magic wand’ that will somehow transform an ailing
business is a dangerous and potentially disastrous
supposition to make.
If you are unsure which type of branding project
is most suited to your situation, it may be worth
undertaking a Brand Audit before embarking on a
new branding project for your business.