How to Coach Yourself and Others Happiness Is No Accident | Page 92
1) Dream big; creative visualization (think about your dreams) mental rehearsal; and
imagine yourself at 10 times today’s earnings.
2) Do what you love to do; become better and better; commitment is starting point;
commitment to excellence; and become the best at what you do.
3) Focus on your strength - they’re unique; introspection - what are they; and ask people you
respect what should I do.?
4) See yourself as self-employed; be the president of your company; work for yourself; treat your
company like you own it; and remember “if it’s to be, it’s up to me.”
5) Never consider failure; life has ups and downs; learn from setbacks; and wisdom plus reflection.
6) Clear sense of direction; clear sense of goals; work on them everyday; decide what you want;
and what price you will pay.
7) Develop workaholic mentality; 12 hours a day; 8 hours to survive; over 8 for investment; and
try harder.
8) Get around right people; positive, goal oriented and successful people; associate with winners.
9) Be teachable; open to new information; do not be impressed with your own
intelligence; be ready to learn; take in new information; and ask q uestions, and advice from people
who knows.
10) Be prepared to climb from peak to peak; valley between each (ebb and flow); up and down always; and roll with it.
11) Develop resilience; bounce back; and remember all peak performances bounce no matter how
hard they hit.
12) Unlock your creativity; do 10% better; demand your strengths; and stretch your originally and
13) Focus on continuous personal development; with books, tapes, seminars, reading, studying,
listening, practicing, and developing your mind.
14) Be an unshakable optimist; look for the good in every situation; confident expectations no
matter how bad; expect to be rich; expect to be successful; you get what you expect, not what you
want; and stay away from negative people.
15) Dedicate yourself to serving others; people who give are the happiest and have the most;
people who take have the bare minimum; top performers lose themselves in other peoples reward;
and put value on your service.