How to Coach Yourself and Others Happiness Is No Accident | Page 90
Finally, we come to the third and last part of the formula:
(3.) Relentless desire and determination.
It is also the main reason why most people don't succeed. They don't have relentless desire and
determination. I want you to commit the following words to memory:
"Any success you achieve will be in direct proportion to your desire and determination. The more
desire and determination you have, the greater will be your success."
Here's another example to illustrate my point:
Most people think it's Kobe Bryant's amazing talent that sets him apart from the other players in
the NBA. And make no mistake, his talent does play a significant role in his success. But what
really makes Kobe Bryant special is his "relentless desire and determination." He just wants to win
more than everybody else.
It's no secret that Kobe practices longer and harder than just about anyone else in the NBA, with
the possible exception of Karl Malone. He also works out like a demon.
But that's exactly what it takes. You have to be as maniacal about success as Kobe Bryant is. I'll
repeat something I said earlier in this article:
"Any success you achieve will be in direct proportion to your desire and determination. The more
desire and determination you have, the greater will be your success."
Now after reading this article, I'm sure many of you are wondering where and how to get started.
The very first thing I recommend is a complete re- programming of your mind. Because before you
can start walking down that road to success, you first have to get your mind right.
In that regard, there are two books I consider absolute MUST reads, if you are at all serious about
being successful in whatever it is you choose to do.
The books are, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill and "The Magic of Thinking Big" by Dr.
David Schwartz.
Your local bookstore or library should have both books, since they're all-time classics. If not, try But whatever you do, make the investment in yourself and get those books!
Another thing, if you're married or living with someone and you suddenly announce to your spouse
or lover that you want to eventually quit your job and "do what you love." Don't expect a whole lot
of support or kisses and hugs.
Unfortunately, most people are conditioned to the "9 to 5, retire at 65," way of thinking.
So, if you expect support and encouragement from your family and friends, you're probably going
to be disappointed. That's just the way it is. Most likely, you'll probably hear a bunch of negativity.