How to Coach Yourself and Others Happiness Is No Accident | Page 85

For example, if you are affirming a million-dollar bank account and your dream home in the hills, find pictures of the home you would like to have, and find pictures of a bank vault full of cash and paste them onto the same sheet with your affirmations. "Chicken Soup for the Soul" co-creator Jack Canfield had some very important insight on how to supercharge the power of mind-imagery. He recommends that you use mind-imagery by imagining you are in a movie. In the quote below note how he recommends you see YOU IN the movie as opposed to WATCHING a movie OF YOU. He says, "If you're watching a movie of you, you see your whole body up on the screen. But when you're in the movie, you just see your own hands. You're looking out through your own face. You can't see your own face right now. We call this associated imagery versus disassociated imagery, which is more powerful to produce change. So whenever you visualize something you want, visualize it from inside of your body" (i.e. You In the movie) "what it would look like if you had it. Don't see yourself outside of your world. It's not as powerful." So, for the next two weeks, I want you to latch onto the images that go through your mind when you meditate and imagine how your goals would look when achieved. Then, continue twice a day with the affirmations, except for now I want those images you've selected to be included and to be a central part of your daily mind exercises. Make sure that you take Mr. Canfield's advice and see the images from inside your own body. I hope that your life already shows signs of powerful, positive change. I look forward to speaking with you again in a couple of weeks. To Your Success, Joel S. Nelson 80