How to Coach Yourself and Others Happiness Is No Accident | Page 79

HOW TO BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY TO SUCCESS Becoming successful requires a lifestyle change. It requires that you know where you are going, where you want to be, but most importantly, it requires that you know how you will get there! Before you begin your journey to success, ask yourself these questions... • • • • • What do I want in life? What do I want from my business? What is my objective? What am I here for? Where do I want my business to be in 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years? Once you have answered these questions write them down as if you have already accomplished your goal. Start in this manner. Figure out where you want your life to be 5 years from now. Don't hold back, this is the part where you figure out what your dreams are, what your ultimate goal is. To clearly understand this point we are going to use a real life story of how someone can accomplished his/her dreams. Let's take Adrian's 5 year dream for example, and let's help him figure out how he can accomplish his dreams. • • • • • • • • Adrian was born in Brazil on September 14, 1973. Adrian is 30 years old, he has never finished high school, and is now living in South Carolina, United States. He works at the Coca-Cola factory and makes $19,000 a year. Adrian has always had big dreams, and wants something better for his life, he wants to have a