How to Coach Yourself and Others Happiness Is No Accident | Page 54
You can feel happiness, this very minute, if you so choose.
When we talk of wanting to be happy, we are generally feeling sad or down.
Whatever emotions or feelings you are experiencing at this moment in time is dependent on your
thoughts. Every emotional state is created by a hormonal and biochemical mix. To be happy is
merely a chemical mix. If you have a great deal of serotonin pumping around your system you will
probably feel sleepy.
So to be happy now requires you either to pay attention to something else or to perceive what you
are paying attention to differently. Most people forget these options and try to go straight into
changing their mood by changing the chemical status of their body.
Perhaps they will take drugs, or maybe they will eat some chocolate or drink a coffee.
If you want to change your mood instantly use this simple exercise.
Notice exactly what you are thinking and paying attention to. If the feelings you have are not
enjoyable you are perhaps worrying about something, frustrated, angry or sad.
Draw a box in the air in front of you. Bring to mind all the things that you do not want and put
them into the box.
Now draw another box next to your first. Into this box put all the things that you do want.
Most people have trouble with this. They generally start to say things like “ I want to not be so
tired” or “I want to not have to worry about..” These are things that you don’t want. Reverse the
things you don’t want. For example, “I am feeling healthy, strong and happy now” “I am excited
Now you have a clear choice of where to focus your attention between what you do want and what
you don’t want.
If you continue to focus all your energy and attention on what you do want you’ll soon find
yourself with all the energy, motivation you need… and you’ll be happy now.