How to Coach Yourself and Others Happiness Is No Accident | Page 52

If the wrong film were playing on the screen you would not start trying to make changes to the screen. It’s clear to you that the source of the film is not the screen. You would change the video or DVD. Yet in life we continually try to change the outer world. When we feel insecure we try to make more money, build new relationships or buy insurance to make ourselves feel safer. When we feel unhappy we try to buy new things, change things around or move to be around new things or new people. This rarely works for long because our feelings are created, not by things around us, but by thoughts... our perception of what is happening around us. Our feelings are from our inner world and things are from our outer world. The link is indirect... and so the outer world is an indirect, slow and complex way of changing how we feel. The solution to achieving a happy life as with many solutions is so simple that we cannot understand or believe it. We are always searching for the high tech, the complex and impressive solutions, but ignore the simple truth. Happiness comes from feelings, not from things we buy to make us happy. We have become so ingrained in seeking happiness indirectly that we do not always understand the difference between being happy for the short-term and long term. Don't Worry - Be Happy And C ontrol Your Destiny Don't worry be happy. This sounds such a simplistic phrase, but there is great power and wisdom in it. Worry blocks our thinking, narrows our options and limits us. Being happy increases our creativity and problem solving skills. It increases our energy, motivation and our abilities. Don’t worry, be happy tells us to focus on what we want rather than what we don’t want. When we focus on what we want our actions take us nearer to our goals. When we focus on what we don’t want we move away from what we don’t want. But not necessarily in the direction that we want to go in. Out of the fire and into the frying pan. 47