How to Coach Yourself and Others Happiness Is No Accident | Page 46

"Great Auntie! Now four more!" "I didn't have any more." "Did you wash your face? Was it pleasant? Warm? Refreshing?" Relive it with her. Then another one. After she describes five pleasures, her complaints won't be nearly as bad. To really work at this, sit down with your spouse (or roommate) every evening and discuss one pleasure that each of you had that day. At the very least, you'll have a happier spouse or roommate! Incorporate this into your family routine so that your children also learn to appreciate their daily pleasures. The One Hour Blessing Fest The next exercise is more sophisticated. Spend one hour writing down everything for which you are grateful. Most people fly through the first 15 minutes. The next 15 minutes the pen moves more slowly. The next 15 minutes get even tougher, but you can pull through if you include your eyebrows and socks... The last 15 minutes are excruciating. Once the list is compiled, add one new blessing each day. The power of this exercise is clear: You must be conscious of all your blessings, in order to appreciate whatever new blessings come your way. Prioritise Your Blessings To really hone your skills and become an expert at appreciation, prioritize your list. Which is more valuable - your hands or your feet? Eyes or ears? Sense of taste or your sense of touch? Comparing each pleasure forces you to qualify the various subtle aspects of each pleasure. And to quantify how much each respective pleasure gives you. Follow this course and work at it daily. Your gratitude will continue to grow, building a solid foundation for a lifetime of happiness. 41