How to Coach Yourself and Others Happiness Is No Accident | Page 146
Imagine for a moment that, out of the
blue, a good friend invites you to go
on vacation with him.
A few questions that are likely to pop up immediately are:
- Is this o.k.?
- Do I want to do this?
- Is it safe?
- Is it acceptable?
- Can I afford this?
values: prescribe
desired behaviour,
character and culture
Suppose you see no objections.
You will start “dreaming” now:
What kind of vacation would I prefer? - and he?
Beach – Exploration – Cultural – Sports – Hiking …
Hotel – Touring – Camping …
* mission: brief, typically one-sentence, statement defining the
fundamental purpose of the enterprise and what it does to
achieve the vision.
E.g.: To organize a cultural city trip to a mayor European
* vision: concise aspirational, inspirational and measurable
definition of the mid- to long- term strategic objectives and
goals of the enterprise. States what you “will be” , “will
achieve” or “will become” within a certain time frame.
E.g.: We will go in August and visit the main museums,
churches and points of interest of the town, enjoy the local
kitchen, attend a cultural performance and make excursions
to some nearby places of historical or cultural importance.