How to Coach Yourself and Others Happiness Is No Accident | Page 111
(by Burt Goldman )
What is it that makes a person happy?
It is important to realize, that what makes you happy might depress another person. There are
people who feel unhappy when they should be happy. Often because of guilt, a feeling they do not
deserve what they have, or because of fear that they will lose what they have. Possessions are a
poor measure of happiness. Possessions are subjective and relative to the individual and the
individual’s viewpoint.
It is better therefore to use a philosophy. For example the philosophy to enjoy the things
you like, avoid or change the things you do not like, and accept what
you cannot avoid or change by the skilful use of your viewpoint. The use of this
philosophy, as embodied in the five rules, will allow you to test many problem areas in your life
and find solutions. With this philosophy, you will be well on your way on your pursuit of