How to Coach Yourself and Others Happiness Is No Accident | Page 109

This material is copyrighted 1997 by Journey of Hearts A Healing Place in Cyberspace. Everybody is invited however to share this information with others who may benefit, but should share from the heart only and not for profit. How to live a Happy and Rewarding Life Watch Butterflies or Birds. Be grateful for good health. Don't interrupt. Don't tailgate. Keep it simple. Enjoy good company. Keep your promises. Listen to your children. Be a good loser. Be a better winner. Be romantic. Take a nap on Sunday afternoon. Never deprive someone of hope. Be thankful for every meal. Never be afraid to say, "I'm Sorry." Improve your performance by improving your attitude. Wave at children on the school bus. Leave everything a little better than when you found it. Leave the toilet seat in the down position. Take time to smell the roses. Be kinder than necessary. Wear outrageous underwear on a job interview, or to work! Take good care of those you love. Make it a habit to do nice things for people who never find out. Judge your success by the degree that you enjoy peace and good health. Don't expect that money will bring you happiness Enjoy a glass of good wine. 104