How to Coach Yourself and Others Empowering Coaching And Crisis Interventions | Page 15
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2. Assessment
The Difference Between Screening and Assessment
The purpose of screening is to determine whether a person needs assessment.
The purpose of assessment is to gather the detailed information needed for an action plan that meets the personal
needs of the individual.
Screening involves asking questions carefully designed to determine whether a more thorough evaluation for a
particular problem or disorder is warranted. Many screening instruments require little or no special training to
Screening differs from assessment in the following ways:
Screening is a process for evaluating the possible presence of a particular problem. The outcome is
often a simple yes or no.
Assessment is a process for defining the nature of that problem, determining a diagnosis, and developing
specific treatment recommendations for addressing the problem or diagnosis.
The assessment examines a client’s life in far more detail so that accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment
placement, problem lists, and treatment goals can be made. Usually, a clinical assessment delves into a client’s
current experiences and her physical, psychological, and socio-cultural history to determine specific treatment
Using qualified and trained clinicians, a comprehensive assessment enables the treatment provider to determine
with the client the most appropriate treatment placement and treatment plan (CSAT 2000c).
Notably, assessments need to use multiple avenues to obtain the necessary clinical information, including selfassessment instruments, clinical records, structured clinical interviews, assessment measures, and collateral
information. Rather than using one method for evaluation, assessments should include multiple sources of
information to obtain a broad perspective of the client’s history, level of functioning and impairment, and degree
of distress.
Assessment is a process that is much more comprehensive than the screening-process. It includes the family,
and assesses the individual in all life domains including evaluating strengths and family. An assessment
sho uld be conducted as soon as possible after the screening results have determined its necessity.
- Whereas a screening is always necessary, an assessment will only be conducted in the individual needs a
more thorough evaluation, empowering guidance or counselling and when conditions permit:
o Almost always during face to face meeting at the client’s home or in the premises of the
service provider
o When the client is cooperative, that is: able and willing to answer the questions in a calm and
rational manner
o When the time and the will to achieve a more thorough evaluation is present with all parties.
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