How to Coach Yourself and Others Empowering Coaching And Crisis Interventions | Page 11

This book is in B&W, not color - Print page in Grayscale for Correct view! Chapter 3 Empowering Intervention Components 1. Importance of the first contact In a crisis situation, each component of working is important, however the first few minutes of a contact could determine if the individual will continue to seek out assistance or not. Assuring a supportive, therapeutic interaction right from the very first moment of contact will therefore be very important in the outcome of the situation. If the first contact is made over the phone, normally, within seconds, the caller is forming an opinion of the people they may interact with and the possible services they may receive. The service provider answering the telephone must ensure the initial contact is a positive one, setting the stage for a successful experience and instilling confidence in the professionalism of the service quality. As each service component is reviewed throughout this manual, it is important to understand that although one person may present with a crisis situation, family members and/or significant others are also affected by the crisis situation. It will often be important to engage family members and/or significant others for information and clarity of the crisis situation to the extent appropriate. Although this concept is not directly stated through out this manual, it is implied and should always be practiced. What are crisis telephone answering skills? Often, the first contact with the individual experiencing a personal crisis, will occur through a telephone call to a crisis service provider or crisis line. The manner in which the crisis telephone is answered sets the tone for the contact. All telephone calls are required to be answered in a uniform, courteous, and professional manner to be followed by all telephone operators on answering incoming calls The following are a few tips to assure these requirements are met: 1. Answer the telephone as soon as possible, but preferably within at least three (3) rings. 2. All telephone calls are to be answered "live”. No answering machines or other electronic mechanisms are allowed to field crisis calls. 3. All telephone operators of hotlines should answer the telephone in a standardized and courteous way. For example, "Good morning, Lifeline Services, how may I help you?" For [email protected] Property of Bookemon, do NOT distribute 11