How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching Families | Page 42

INTERVENTIONS BY DOMAIN PARENTS AS A PRIMARY TARGET POPULATION: The program involves family systems therapy, involving all family members. It seeks to change the way family members act toward each other so that they will promote each other’s mastery over behaviours that are required for the family to achieve competence and to impede undesired behaviours. INDIVIDUAL: Life and social skills training FAMILY : Home visits, Parent education/family therapy, Parent education/parenting skills training Task-oriented family education sessions combining social skills training to improve family interaction (e.g., communication skills) PEER : Peer-resistance education KEY PROGRAM APPROACHES PARENT-CHILD INTERACTION: All of the key strategies are focused on improving the interactions between parents and child. PARENT TRAINING: A key change strategy is to empower parents by increasing their mastery of parenting skills. SKILL DEVELOPMENT: The program fosters conflict resolution skills, parenting skills, and communication skills. TECHNIQUES USED  Joining—forming a therapeutic alliance with all family members  Diagnosis—identifying interactional patterns that allow or encourage problematic youth behaviour  Restructuring—the process of changing the family interactions that are directly related to problem behaviours THERAPY The program involves creating a counsellor-family work team that develops a therapeutic alliance with each family member and with the family as a whole; diagnosing family strengths and problematic interactions; developing change strategies to capitalize on strengths and correct problematic family interactions; and implementing change strategies and reinforcing family behaviours that sustain new levels of family competence. Strategies include reframing, changing alliances, building conflict resolution skills, and parental empowerment. HOW IT WORKS BSFT can be implemented in a variety of settings, including community social services agencies, mental health clinics, health agencies, and family clinics. BSFT is delivered in 8 to 12 weekly 1- to 1.5-hour sessions. The family and BSFT counsellor meet either in the program office or the family’s home. Sessions may occur more frequently around crises because these are opportunities for change. 42