How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching Families | Page 282

Medical Family Therapy MRI Brief Therapy Families facing the challenges of major illness experience a unique set of biological, George Engel, Susan psychological and social difficulties that McDaniel, Jeri require a specialized skills of a therapist Hepworth & William who understands the complexities of the Doherty medical system, as well as the full spectrum of mental health theories and techniques. Gregory Bateson, Milton Erickson, Heinz von Foerster Grief Work, Family Meetings, Consultations, Collaborative Approaches Established by the Mental Research Institute (MRI) as a synthesis of ideas from multiple Reframing, Prescribing theorists in order to interrupt misguided the Symptom, attempts by families to create first and Relabeling, Restraining second order change by persisting with (Going Slow), Bellac “more of the same,” mixed signals from Ploy unclear meta communication and paradoxical double-bind messages. People use stories to make sense of their experience and to establish their identity as a social and political constructs based on local Deconstruction, Michael White, Dav