How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching Families | Page 270

Therapist: You seem to be telling me that at home things went from bad to worse. If things don’t get better now, what do you think will happen? Client: She’ll pick up and leave. (pause). T: And then what? C: It’ll be a real mess then, because she knows I love her. We both had a drug habit, but now she’s clean, but I’m not. (pause). T: Who will suffer the most if she leaves? C: I will. T: In what way? C: I don’t want her to leave. I love her too much for her to leave. It’s a cruel world out there. I like her a lot, and she knows that. We had plans to get married. I want her to be my wife. I’m not looking for other women. T: And so, what do you suppose is the smallest thing you can do to make things just a little bit better, however slight? C: I’d say I’d have to go cold turkey. T: What makes you say that? C: Because that’s how she did it. T: And? C: She’ll expect me to do the same thing. T: Do you know that for sure? C: She told me so. T: How did she go cold turkey? C: Willpower. She’s a pretty strong person. T: What do you suppose could be done in your situation? C: I guess I’d have to ask her for help. T: In what way? C: I don’t know. Maybe I can ask her for some ideas. T: What made you think of asking her for some ideas? C: I don’t know . . . just an idea I had. T: It’s not just an idea. It’s a great idea. What made you think of that? C: Well, she’s resourceful. T: In what ways do you think she’ll be resourceful when you ask her? C: Maybe she’ll come up with ways that’ll help me cope with going cold turkey. T: I bet you know some of those things already. C: Yeah, I noticed some of the things she did. T: Could you mention some of them? The main objective of pessimistic sequences is to assist the individual client, a couple, a family, or anyone in a relationship to come up with new ideas or to recall successful strategies (exceptions) from their respective pasts. Once new ideas or tried-and-tested exceptions from the past are accessed and amplified, they in turn help to gene &FR